A new country every month in 2019
I’ve been on a mission/challenge to visit a new country at each calendar month of 2019.
In other words, by the end of 2019, I’ll have visit, at least, 12 new countries.
After visiting Sri Lanka in 2018 I was left wanting more adventure and discovery of other cultures and traditions.
With that desire in mind, I decided I would continue to visit as many different countries as I could in the future. Cometh 2019, this had been morphed into a self-imposed challenge: To visit an entirely new country every month.
I told anybody who would listen about it. I recall reading somewhere, this was a good strategy to keep one focused on the challenge and persevere through to the end.
There’s also a multitude of benefits to reap from traveling and exposure to different cultures and abroad experiences.
I believe it can be therapeutical and educational. Not to say that everything has / will go according to plan or be smooth every single time. There’re bad experiences to have, great people to meet, mediocre food to try, pale architecture to see and EVERYTHING in between.
The Plan
Starting in July 2019, I’ll be creating posts on this website about my experiences on each of the countries I’ve been visiting and will visit in 2019.
Stay tuned!