I can pickup an A4 paper and shape it into an airplane (a paper one). It's easy, I've access to A4 paper sheets. I know how to fold it into an airplane, I've seen it done by others, I've done it myself countless times before.
But what about making it work?
Will the plane fly? Can it corner? How suspectible is it to wind? How much force should I put into my throw? Should I colour it?
All those scenarios, all those possibilities. An idea stretches for miles, spawning more ideas. Neurons race and
clash, priorities are estabilished, dependencies emerge, engines are humming, wheels are spinning ...!
Unlike the paper plane, a project has now taken off!
It's now to be recreated over and over. Fold after fold, until it's made to work.
Or I could just enjoy my bloody static A4 airplane that does nothing other than existing.