What I am up to nowish

A now page contains a list of recent things one might be up to. You can read more on it: here.
Last updated: 2025-01-18

France trip, A to Z challenge kicked off

This year, I'm trying to visit places that I've never been before AND such that their initial letters completes the alphabet in order. You can read more about it here: A to Z challenge 2025

Entry date: 2025-01-18

Moving back to London

I've returned to London recently after a ~6month hiatus. Will be reconnecting with friends and the city's unmatchable pace. I plan to make the most of it and to progress personally and professionally. Try to get better at this adulting thing.

Side-note, truestory: one of my flights was canceled because of hamsters running amok in the airport.

Entry date: 2024-11-18

Migrating website to 11ty

11ty is a static website generator. I previously used Jekyll for my blog. I've started migrating early October and at first was just going to migrate the blog area, however, I've decided to move just about everything to 11ty as I am impressed with its features and multiple template support.

I learned of 11ty through beeps website and have taken inspiration as well as copied few bits of code from their GH. Not just a migration as I took the opportunity to redesign, improve and add few pages here and there.

Entry date: 2024-11-10